ARRL Amateur Ham Radio Field Day

ARRL Amateur Ham Radio Field Day

Ham it Up and have a Field  Day.

Field Day is ham radio's open house. Every June, over 40,000 hams across the US and Canada set up interim stations in public places to display ham radio's science, expertise, and service to the neighbourhoods and the nation. It comprises of public service, emergency readiness, community outreach, technical skills, and a North America wide competition, all in a single event. Field Day has been a yearly event since 1933 and remains one of the most celebrated weekends in ham radio.

Since the first ARRL Field Day in 1933, radio amateurs throughout North America have practiced in the rapid deployment of radio communications equipment in environments ranging from operations under canopies in community parks, to operations inside Emergency Operations Centres (EOCs). The operations using emergency and alternative sources of power are highly encouraged since electricity, and other public infrastructures are often among the first to collapse during a natural disaster or severe weather.

It is a time where the major aspects of Amateur Radio come together to highlight their roles. While many see it as a competition, other groups use it as an avenue to practice their emergency response abilities. It is golden opportunity to show Amateur Radio to the world and how it can can be used during an emergency, as well as for the general public. For many organizations, ARRL Field Day is one of the big events in their annual calendar.

Field Day has evolved into much more than a simple disaster drill. Field Day is also the premier yearly social event in the amateur community. Accompanied by friends, families, and curious on-lookers, the hams organizes parties; they barbecue, they camp-out, and also become a venue for hams to introduce amateur radio to the general population. For clubs that wish to do so a “guest” transmitter counts as points in the competition for members of the general public who make contacts during the event.

In 2018 Field Day will fall on the weekend of June 23-24. For more information about Amateur Radio, or Field Day in general contact your local Amateur Radio Club. Unsure of a local club or event near you? Contact us and we will point you in the right direction to a club or event near you.

73 (“All the best” in ham radio)


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