BC QSO Party
The Results Are In (2019)
2019 Report:
BC Results:
Outside BC Results:
Amateur radio contesting, also known as radiosport, is made up of regular, educative, social and entertaining events, which are sponsored by individuals, radio clubs, amateur radio societies, related organizations and businesses, including radio hobbyist magazines. It’s an activity and that connects individuals using amateur radio and fosters friendly competition, along with advancing operating skills.
In its simplest form, the goal of a contest, whether it is a weekend marathon or a QSO party, is for an amateur radio station to contact as many other amateur radio stations as possible within a stipulated time frame and exchange information required for that event. The exchange is set by the rules for the specific amateur radio contest, but typically contains the received signal strength and location, be that a zone or a province/state/DX country.
BCQP - BC’s Premier Radiosport Event
The British Columbia QSO Party, or BCQP for short, is a unique event that puts BC in a spotlight. It’s an opportunity to improve operating skills and enhance contesting techniques, and it’s fairly low-pressure, which is great for someone new to the hobby and to contesting or trying to brush up on a particular mode. BCQP also allows operators to gain proficiency with logging software.
As for tangible rewards, BCQP awards certificates for top scores in each category of entry provides top stations with a photo plaque to commemorate the success of winning a category.
Can I Participate? The BC QSO Party is open to all licensed amateur radio operators. There are no age or geographical restrictions.
Are there Prizes for the Contest?
Photo plagues are presented to stations with the best results in sponsored categories. The categories and prizes are reviewed every year and subject to change.
Fleetwood Digital is proud to have been involved in the British Columbia QSO Party—BCQP—as a plaque sponsor ever since the beginning of the plaque program in 2013. We will extend this involvement to the 2019 event as well.
BCQP 2019 will run from 1600z February 2 to 0359z February 3 AND 1600z to 2359z February 3. It is a total of 20 hours: 12 on Saturday and 8 on Sunday.
BCQP - BC’s Premier Radiosport Event
The British Columbia QSO Party—BCQP—is a unique on-air event sponsored by the Orca DX and Contest Club. It’s the only regularly occuring amateur radio contest that puts BC in the spotlight, and being low-pressure and casual, it’s a great opportunity to improve operating skills, get familiar with logging software and enhance contesting techniques, especially for newcomers to the hobby and to contesting.
The event is open to any and all licensed amateur radio operators, and there are no age or geographical restrictions on participation. BC stations can contact anyone anywhere while stations outside BC are on the hunt for VE7s and VA7s.
Tangible Rewards
BCQP offers certificates for top scores in each category of entry for BC stations and for stations outside BC. In addition, there is a plaque program. And Fleetwood Digital Products is proud to have been involved in BCQP as a plaque sponsor ever since the program was introduced in 2013. We wil extend this involvement to the 2019 event as well. Examples of the plaques we have sponsored are below.