Why the Solarcon Antron A99 CB Base Antenna

Why the Solarcon Antron A99 CB Base Antenna is one of out favourites.

The Solarcon Antron A99 CB Base Antenna is one of our favourites here at Fleetwood Digital, and for good reason. This powerful antenna is capable of handling a maximum of 2000 Watts, making it perfect for high powered CB, Export, Commercial and 10 Meter Ham Radios alike.

We love this antenna because it's strong, stable, and allows for long distance QSOs. It is made to be a dual band antenna with 17 feet in three easy-to-assemble sections. It offers 9.9 DBI Gain for maximum signal strength and comes with an SO-239 connector, ready to accept standard PL259 coax.

The Solarcon Antron A99 CB Base Antenna is an exceptional option for those who need a powerful antenna that can work with multiple bands efficiently and easily. Its features make it both durable and powerful, ensuring that you get the most out of your radio connections. Despite its size, this antenna is incredibly lightweight and easy to install.

In addition to all its top-of-the-line features, this versatile antenna also offers excellent customer service being part of the Roadpro family of brands. It comes with detailed instructions on how to install and set up your new antenna correctly, as well as an extensive help center that provides answers to any questions customers may have.

The Solarcon Antron A99 CB Base Antenna is the perfect choice for anyone looking for a powerful, multipurpose antenna. Its ease of installation, durability, and unparalleled signal strength make it one of our favourites here at Fleetwood Digital.

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