The Elmer Blog - Ham Radio News & Tips

Top 3 Hanheld Ham Radio Accessories

Top 3 Hanheld Ham Radio Accessories

The handheld ham radio is a great way to communicate using shortwave and long-range frequencies. Whether you are an amateur radio enthusiast or a professional, investing in the right accessories...

Top 3 Hanheld Ham Radio Accessories

The handheld ham radio is a great way to communicate using shortwave and long-range frequencies. Whether you are an amateur radio enthusiast or a professional, investing in the right accessories...

Must have accessories for a CB radio

Must have accessories for a CB radio

A CB radio is a great tool for keeping in touch with friends, family, and fellow drivers during trips, or even just for a bit of casual conversation. Despite all...

Must have accessories for a CB radio

A CB radio is a great tool for keeping in touch with friends, family, and fellow drivers during trips, or even just for a bit of casual conversation. Despite all...

Amateur Radio Contesting - It Truly Is A Contact Sport

Amateur Radio Contesting - It Truly Is A Contac...

Amateur Radio Contesting is a global phenomenon enjoyed by both young and old. For many, it starts with the thrill of exploring the oldest form of radio - telegraphy. This...

Amateur Radio Contesting - It Truly Is A Contac...

Amateur Radio Contesting is a global phenomenon enjoyed by both young and old. For many, it starts with the thrill of exploring the oldest form of radio - telegraphy. This...

Antenna considerations for CB and Ham Radio

Antenna considerations for CB and Ham Radio

Are You Wondering How to Maximize Your Range with Your CB or Ham Radio? Start With the Antenna If you're a CB or Ham radio user, you know that having...

Antenna considerations for CB and Ham Radio

Are You Wondering How to Maximize Your Range with Your CB or Ham Radio? Start With the Antenna If you're a CB or Ham radio user, you know that having...

Amateur Radio, a vital piece for any grab and go kit

Amateur Radio, a vital piece for any grab and g...

The idea of having a properly stocked grab and go kit is essential for anyone who wants to keep connected and stay safe. Items such as a first aid kit...

Amateur Radio, a vital piece for any grab and g...

The idea of having a properly stocked grab and go kit is essential for anyone who wants to keep connected and stay safe. Items such as a first aid kit...

11M CB Radio - Alive and well in BC!-Fleetwood Digital

11M CB Radio - Alive and well in BC!

11M, Single Sideband CB Radio is alive and well in BC, and the rest of North America. This is evident by simply listening to Channel 38 LSB (27.385 MHz) throughout...

11M CB Radio - Alive and well in BC!

11M, Single Sideband CB Radio is alive and well in BC, and the rest of North America. This is evident by simply listening to Channel 38 LSB (27.385 MHz) throughout...